The Society was formed in the mid 1800’s and is affiliated to
the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies and the Royal
Horticultural Society.
We meet on the third Thursday of each month in the Peggy Pike
Room at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. where a full programme of
events can be obtained.
Coffee Mornings with plants, produce stalls and a raffle are
held twice yearly in Spring and Autumn.
There are also outings and a long weekend summer trip to gardens and places of interest.
The Summer Show is always held on the final Saturday in July, our Dinner is held in November, and the Annual General Meeting followed by the Christmas Party is in early December.
N.G.S. National Garden Scheme
The Pilgrims Hospice
New members are always welcome and may join at
a meeting or by application to the Membership Secretary -
Please click and print the Application Form
or to email see our
Contact & Find Us page.
The Annual Subscription is £10.
President Frances Horton 01303 840 550
Chairman Doug Martin 01303 840 276
Vice Chairman Gerry Newman 01303 901 444
Treasurer Matthew Trueblood 01303 840 526
Secretary Jenny Gasson 01303 840 395
Programme Secretary Karen White 01303 840
Summer Show Secretary Pam Tebbs 07910 149588
Membership Secretary Isabel Martin 01303 840
Equipment Manager Barbara Athow 01303 840
Open Gardens Secretary Carole Kincaid 01303 840 952
Committee Members
Gavin Wales 01303 840 070